Product Features

Prepaymint :: Gaming House & Play Area Management offers convenient solution to maximize your business opportunity through effective management solution. Using All-in-One embedded device and Door Access Control system you can easily handle event and time based billing. Our card solution can help you to provide unified prepaid card for venue access as well as purchases in your retail store like café.

Our cloud servers can provide various reports regarding your business transaction. You can also book events, control access through access cards and pay through cashless payment solution.


Customer Registration

Event Based Billing

Time Based Billing

Door Access Control

Retail Billing

WiFi Access

Cashless Payments


Customer Registration to Collect Data for Future business opportunity

Group or Individual Event based Billing

Generate bill based on the resource utilization time

Only authorized users can access the venue

Bill and Manage in house Coffee Shop or Snacks bar

Provides WiFi Access to customer for Business Analytics

Card Based payment and Online Portal for refill of Card Wallet

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